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Dietary Supplementation Advice for Celiac Patients on a Long-Term Gluten-Free Diet

Often, when a patient is following a long-term gluten-free diet with good compliance, micronutrient deficiencies cannot be detected. This review - published in the scientific journal Medicina - evaluates the most recent literature on micronutrient deficiencies in patients following a long-term gluten-free diet in order to provide dietary supplementation advice. The study concludes that in patients with micronutrient deficiencies caused by celiac disease, vitamin supplements may be necessary.

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FDA Public Workshop on Gastroenterology Regulatory Endpoints and the Advancement of Therapeutics (GREAT3), March 30-31, 2015

Celiac Disease Foundation is pleased to announce the March 30-31, 2015, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) public workshop on Gastroenterology Regulatory Endpoints and the Advancement of Therapeutics (GREAT3). This scientific meeting will address endpoints and outcome measures for clinical trials for products intended to treat adult and/or pediatric celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

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