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What’s New in Celiac Disease News? Summary: COVID-19 Vaccine Protection in Patients with Celiac Disease

A recent international study co-authored by Celiac Disease Foundation grant award winner Dr. Benjamin Lebwohl aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in patients with celiac disease. Results revealed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine offers the same level of protection against the virus for patients with celiac disease as it does for those without the autoimmune disease.

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Talking to Kids About COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Celiac disease is not considered to be an immunocompromised state in children, and is not known to be a risk factor for severe disease. Social distancing, washing hands with soap and water frequently and for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding touching of eyes, nose and mouth are recommended.

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2020 CDF EXPO Cancelled

Amidst the uncertainty of the future, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Celiac Disease Foundation’s Gluten-Free EXPO scheduled for June 13 – June 14, 2020, and not reschedule this year. 

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Celiac Disease and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Celiac disease is associated with an increased risk of pneumococcal infection. Though pneumococcal vaccination will not prevent COVID-19, the Celiac Disease Foundation Medical Advisory Board strongly advises people with celiac disease to consider vaccination to protect against other respiratory illness.

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